Soft Machines: nanotechnology and life


More about nanotechnology

Other writings by Richard Jones

The future of nanotechnology: article in Physics World based on the final chapter of Soft Machines.

The Social and Economic Challenges of Nanotechnology: A report written for the Economic and Social Research Council in 2003 by Stephen Wood, Alison Geldart and Richard Jones. Download the PDF (63 pages, 1.3 MB).

More weighty reports

Useful websites

Institute of Nanotechnology. UK based advocacy group.

Cordis Nanotechnology Site. European Commission nanotechnology site, with news and information about European nanotechnology research and funding.

Nanoforum. An EU sponsored website providing nanotechnology information for the business, the scientific and social communities.

Some entertaining (and contrasting) weblogs

Nanodot. "The original nanotechnology weblog" from the Foresight Nanotech Institute.